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Welcome to lesson one of the Teen Monologue Bootcamp!

I am so excited to have you here. Each week of this program is different. There are always videos and lesson plans to check out. Some weeks there are extra resources as well. 

Quick check list:

1) Did you fill out your performer profile?

2) Did you join out private Facebook group?

3) Do you know when the next Drama club meet-up is?

Well if you said yes then let's get started my friends!

Here are the resources you need for Lesson 1

Sound and Movement

Back to Neutral Game

One Minute Rant

Clap Association 

To Me... (This is a bonus game for groups)


The Perfect Illusion

Finding My Strength 

To Do:

At the end of this lesson please decide which monologue you want to work on during this bootcamp and send me an email at centrestagekids@gmail or post in the Facebook group - I can't wait to see what you pick

"All the world's a stage.."

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